Month: April 1995

Our Rock And Our Refuge

A century ago an ocean liner sank off the southwest coast of England, taking many people down with it. A 16-year-old galley boy, who was tossed up along the rugged shore, survived by clinging to a rock all night long. When he was finally rescued, he was asked, "Didn't you shake as you were clinging all night to that rock?" The boy replied, "Yes, of course. But the rock never shook once."

The Heart Of The Matter

How often are we guilty of leaving God out of our decision-making? Sometimes when we're faced with a choice, the right answer may seem obvious to us and those around us. But if we fail to ask the Lord to help us get to the heart of the matter, we might jump to a wrong conclusion.

Cuckoo Behavior

The European cuckoo bird is a freeloader. When spring comes, it doesn't construct a home for its yearly brood. Instead, the female invades the nest of some unsuspecting bird and lays her egg there. The cuckoo's offspring is left to be hatched and cared for by its "foster parent."